You are browsing the archive for 2008.

The Times, they are a Learning

A new editorial on the New York Times lays out the case for election integrity and credibility in: A Tale of Three (Electronic Voting) Elections <read> Electronic voting has made great strides in reliability, but it has a long way to go. When reformers push for greater safeguards, they often argue that future elections could […]

Partisan Consultant Behind The Congressional Firewall

Should partisan consultants be totaling our elections? Be provided access behind our firewalls? Managing data for congressional committees? Especially committees involved in voting technology? Bob Fitrakis, The Free Press: Behind the firewall: Bush loyalist Mike Connell controls Congressional secrets as his email sites serve Karl Rove <read> One has to wonder about the implications of […]

Feinstein to Voters: Waste $, jeopardize Democracy.

Update: Take Action: E-Mail our Senators to oppose S. 3212 <read and send> This is especially important because Senator Dodd is on the committee and the hearing is this week! The well intentioned but flawed 2002 Help America Vote Act launched the large scale move to electronic voting. Many states have paperless DREs (Touch Screens), […]

Audio: Voice Of The Voters – Connecticut Update

Update: Audio is now available of the Nutmeg State update on Voice of the Voters. The Connecticut segment is about 2/3 of the way through just after the weekly update by John Gideon <Audio> We look forward to more state updates over the coming weeks. So far, Connecticut is the best of the litter. but […]

Witness To A Crime

I have just completed reading Witness To A Crime, by Richard Hayes Phillips. The result of three years of persistent, detailed investigation of the 2004 election in Ohio. This book proves several times over that the election was stolen. From the book: “it is unlikely that 14 voters in one precinct in inner-city Cleveland were […]

Debunking Pre-Election Testing Myths

We have said it here as one of our Ten Myths: Myth #6 – Memory card errors cannot affect the outcome of our elections because election officials conduct pre-election testing of our electronic voting systems. Reality Pre-election testing of electronic voting systems will detect only basic errors such as junk memory cards, wrong candidates, and […]

Tampering Questions: Georgia 2002, Ohio 2004

The Raw Story: GOP cyber-security expert suggests Diebold tampered with 2002 election Georgia 2002 (When surprising results gave the Governorship to Sonny Purdue and Max Cleland lost his re-election to the Senate): Spoonamore received the Diebold patch from a whistleblower close to the office of Cathy Cox, Georgia’s then-Secretary of State. In discussions with RAW […]

Fairfield Panel: Rosy Views and Thorny Issues

While I was on vacation, the Fairfield Citizen News had a report covering the panel in Fairfield last week, with added information, apparently obtained from our web site, and an interview with the Secretary of the State. Overall it is a good article fairly covering what was said on the panel. The two hours flew […]

NY Times: “Check The Vote”

Once again the New York Times gets it right on electronic voting coming out in favor of post-election audits and reading their local Brennan Center reports for accurate information. <read> Computer scientists have shown that it is easy to tamper with electronic voting machines in ways that are all but impossible to detect. The machines […]

Testing/Inspecting For Democracy Is Too Much Work

Why bother inspecting restaurants, bridges, trucks, and voting machines? It is just too difficult and costly. While Connecticut is way behind in inspecting restaurants as we have been with bridges and trucks, we fit right into the trend evidenced by two national stories – the Election Assistance Commission finds its just too hard on vendors […]