You Can Take Action

Only You Can Assure Your Vote Will Be Counted:

1. Read and Sign The 2009 Petition To Enhance Confidence In Connecticut Elections:

<click to read and sign>

2. Volunteer to be a post-election audit observer:

Read more about the Connecticut Citizen Election Audit Coalition
Read past post-election audit reports
Sign-up as an observer – details availabe about two weeks prior to each election

3. Get and keep Informed at

  • Read the blog: at least weekly
  • Read the other referenced blogs, state, and national sites
  • Read the referenced books and reports

4. Call, or write your State Senator and State Representative:Tell them you want a new audit law in 2009 that ensures every race is audited sufficiently to detect errors, deter fraud, and that provides strong criteria to trigger full manual recounts.

6. Tell your friends and family that they should be concerned that their vote may not be counted:

  • Tell them where they can learn about the problems and solutions.
  • Tell them what they can do.

7. Schedule a DVD and Mock Audit Demo for your town or group:

Contact to schedule a showing of “Hacking Democracy” or “Uncounted”

Followed by a Mock Audit Demo of our current audit law.

More info <click>
