Editorial/Comment Policy

We strive to be an archive covering voting news from Connecticut and National news useful to Connecticut Voters. CTVotersCount.org concentrates on issues related to computerized voting and issues related to the voters’ intent being realized.

One of our goals is to bring National articles and information of interest to the attention of Connecticut Voters. We review various sources to highlight news and issues that are of value and timely or timeless. At various times we can learn from or suffer from what happens in other states.

We want you to visit CTVotersCount frequently to keep up-to-date with important developments in Connecticut and beyond. Unlike a newspaper we do not have to produce something every day. However, going several days without a post we start to get restless. Our answer is to provide Frequently Asked Questions and Ironies. These are intended to explain or highlight important and timeless information. To see all past entries click on FAQ on the list under the ‘About’ tab on the right.


We welcome and appreciate responsible, articulate positions on all sides of issues related to voting integrity. We also appreciate guest posts reporting first hand, factual information.


We appreciate responsible comments. We moderate all comments and normally reject comments only in cases of extreme abuse or irrelevance. However, on rare occasions, entirely at our discretion, we may request author verification, and in some cases require that the public comment include the posters actual verified name. (In such cases we will email the author and ask for such verification)
