You are browsing the archive for 2008.

CT: Unfortunately, we were correct.

Last week, we said “There are likely many other differences that have not been discovered.”

CT: More Errors In Reported Results?

We have covered reports of differences between the results posted on the Secretary of the State’s web site and actual election results in Shelton and Stamford. We have learned of a third problem in the results posted for the Congressional race in Avon, with the possibility of similar problems in several other towns. David Bedell […]

A Winner In Minnesota

OpEd by Mark Halversen, Citizens for Election Integrity Minnesota, testifies to the integrity of the Minnesota recount <read> A recount to count on As nonpartisan election integrity advocates with front-row seats at the U.S. Senate recount, we believe Minnesotans can be confident the process has been methodical and fair. The intense scrutiny given to each […]

FAQ: When Do We Worry About Money?

We have recently noticed a natural human tendency: When we are in favor of something, we ignore the costs, no matter how great. When we are against something, we highlight the costs, no matter how small. This is clearly illustrated by two Hartford Courant editorials, one day apart. Monday Dec 22nd: Rell Sharpens The Knife […]

CT: Bysiewicz, Slossberg, Spallone Call For Special Senate Elections

From the StamfordPlus <read> Bysiewicz and legislative leaders call for special election to fill future U.S. Senate vacancies in Connecticut By Secretary of the State Dec 17, 2008 – 3:36 PM Secretary of the State Points to Senate Vacancies in Illinois, New York as Evidence of the Need for Long Overdue Election Reform Secretary of […]

The Perils Of No Excuse Absentee Voting

Vote Absentee: Your Vote May Not Count Today we learn of the problems in Minnesota with absentee voting in a Minneapolis Star Tribune Editorial <read> A nasty bug emerges in the state election system Absentee ballots emerged as the biggest flaw in Minnesota’s election system and may hold the key to finally resolving the Senate […]

Another Audit – Another Diebold Error

Ohio is conducting its first post-election audits. Like the recent audits in Humboldt, CA, and CT, the Ohio audit has uncovered discrepancies in the machine and manual counts. Here is one of the stories, by Kim Zetter at Wired <read> Montgomery County officials discovered that although the five votes were recorded to a memory card […]

CT: Audits Accurate? How Many Votes Is A Handful?

If we dismiss every discrepancy as human hand count error, how would we know if there was an optical scanner error – caused by the scanner hardware, human error, or human fraud?
AP article in the Hartford Courant: Audits: Conn. voting machine counts accurate

Minnesota Recount vs. Connecticut Recanvass

The Minnesota recount which started on November 19th goes on and will probably continue for several additional days, perhaps weeks. You can read about some of the details of the ongoing Minnesota senate recount at the blog of the Citizens for Voting Integrity MN <blog> We ask: Would this happen here, in Connecticut? Should this […]

CT: How Many Errors Can You Find In This Story?

Update: Cross posted at MyLeftNutmeg. See some of the comments there, especially Tessa’s describing obtaining election results on election night in Milford. <read> ConnPost has an article on errors in Shelton on election night. But we find other possible inaccuracies in the story as reported: State: Shelton vote snafu ‘human error”, <read> Shelton’s arithmetically challenged […]