Recount Reaffirm’s Wisdom of Recounts in Close Races

That’s not the tittle of article, nor what it says. It says: with 14 towns holding recounts. New Canaan is included in that and held a recount on Tuesday to reaffirm the 25-vote difference between Town Council candidates Beth Jones and John Emert. That recount showed Jones edging Emert by seven votes. No. It reaffirmed […]

Courant Fresh Talk: Voting: Too Far From Online

Fresh Talk editorial by Courant intern asks question and answers well: <read> Why is it when more and more Americans spend more and more of their time at a computer, we still having a voting system that doesn’t incorporate online capabilities? …Several computer scientists took part in 2004 in federally funded program called the Secure […]

Why Bother Recounting and Auditing Manually?

For those who question the value of manual counting in audits and recounts, here is an example from Greenwich, where despite pre-election testing an error apparently slipped through.

The Middlefield Recount Experience

Different officials gave differing opinions on what was permissible and what was not, but none were willing to make a decision and say with authority what process should be followed…

Dori Smith Reports At Brad Blog

Dori Smith of provides a report on Connecticut issues at Brad Blog.  A summary of her excellent broadcasts this fall, along with the issues raised  for Connecticut by memory card problems with the Diebold Premier AccuVote-OS optical scanners in Florida. Diebold Optical-Scan Failures Reported in Florida May be Affecting Connecticut As Well  <read>

Meriden Record-Journal: Recounts raise questions about voting machines

Excellent article.  A significant issue is raised.   We will need to carefully review the results of the post-election audits and the recounts.  If the machines regularly fail to accurately count votes with an accuracy well within the mandatory recount level of 0.5% then we will need to set the recount trigger at a significantly higher […]

Harftord Courant: Vote Recounts Prove Tedious, Time-Consuming

We are likely to see more articles like the one in the Courant today: Vote Recounts Prove Tedious, Time-Consuming, <read>. General comments on the article: We arrived at this point by knee-jerk reactions in Washington, resulting in the Help America Vote Act and little heed to advocates in Hartford when the audit law was written […]

TalkNationRadio: Interview with Deputy Secretary of State Lesley Mara on Voting Machine Glitches: Breaking News re LHS Violations and State Elections

Another very informative show <read/listen>

Random Audit Drawing – While Everybody Was Watching East Haven

I was at the Random Audit drawing yesterday. A Press Conference at the Secretary of the State’s office at 1:00pm. We drew 70 districts to be audited along with 15 extras in case there are additional contested races which prevent audits in any of the 70 selected districts. If my preliminary count is correct there […]

East Haven Recount#2 Lessons – Will We Learn?

Update: More lessons from the Wallingford Recount <read> This was a town council race with 17 candidates and 9 elected. 11,000 votes 59 poll workers counted in 6 hours. If we assume a $0.05 per vote (9) that would $0.45 per ballot. If so it works out to paying an average of $14.00 per poll […]