Election Day Registration: Be prepared for lines and dissapointment

1) doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
– Albert Einstein
2) doing something different from what has been done over and over and expecting the same result. – The Land of [un]Steady Habits

Maybe not this year, but sometime soon, in a high interest election, we will have a huge turn-out for Election Day Registration, and many voters and candidates disappointed at 8:00pm.

Hartford: Democracy is worth voting NO on question 3. Don’t be misled.

We do not use the word “misleading” lightly. We have three problems with the latest Couranrt Editorial, in addition to the other issues we have been articulating over the the the years. As we have said many times, we have a concern, a criticism, and an alternative proposal.

No system is perfect. Let us remember, the problems come when there is a close highly contested election, where the checks and balances are critical –That is why Hartford voters should not tolerate this change.

Elections are critical. Do not vote for a single appointed registrar.

Three years later, Denise Merrill, tests same line crossed by Susan Bysiewicz

Three years ago, Secretary of the State Susan Bysiewicz, got in hot water for using state resources for a political database and newsletter. Now current Secretary of the State, Denise Merrill may have crossed that same line. The circumstances are slightly different but, at least at this point, there seems little difference and distinction.
UPDATE 10/15 – Merrill holds press conference, ends newsletter.

Cognitive Dissonance? Not in Connecticut when it comes to the Internet

In psychology, cognitive dissonance is the discomfort experienced when simultaneously holding two or more conflicting cognitions: ideas, beliefs, values or emotional reactions. In a state of dissonance, people may sometimes feel “disequilibrium”: frustration, hunger, dread, guilt, anger, embarrassment, anxiety, etc – Wikipedia

The state fails at protecting data, legislators to get lesson in Internet security, N.I.S.T experts say unsafe the Internet is not safe for voting, the N.S.A. and others can look at practically anything, yet local registrars, the Secretary of the State, and the State Military Department can protect Internet voting by Legislative decree.

A Nation of Laws, not Gotya’s

One court so far has ruled in favor of ballot access for one minor party in one town, using common sense to override a detail in the law. In this case, a good decision. Hopefully extended to all the similar situations in Connecticut this year. Yet, to obeyed precisely in the future.

What do voters most want to know from election webs and brochures?

?How do I register? How do I vote absentee? How do I vote? The answer might surprise you.

16 Districts in 9 Municipalites selected for post-election audit

Yesterday, we were pleased to participate in drawing the 16 districts to be audited by the Secretary of the State. Also present from the Connecticut Citizens Election Audit Coalition was Kim Hynes of Common Cause. We are also pleased to report that the drawing was held close to a week before counting begins, next Wednesday.

Secret Vote? Not on “our” Internet — just the insiders and bad guys know how you intended to vote

There is perhaps something even worse than the risks of the secret vote or the risks of the public vote. Voting via Internet in a way that has many of the risks of public voting, without the benefits, along with the risks of secret voting and lack of confidence in the system.

Primary education: Levers and other lessons

Tuesday was primary day in many states including Connecticut and New York. There are several election integrity lessons to be learned or learned again.

In New York City, the integrity issue was the use of lever machines in an illogical rejection optical scanners.

Closer to home we have Bridgeport, where there have been charges of absentee ballot fraud in a highly charged and important Board of Education Primary which featured a party-endorsed, outside financed, slate against an alternative slate

Encryption, exposed as almost useless except to spys

Several weeks ago, Glen Greenwald said there was much more to come based on the information obtained by Edward Snowdon. For several of those weeks we have had disturbing, yet relatively minor disclosures. Yet once again, Snowdon has providing something huge. We need, once again to become a nation of laws.