Andy Garfunkel to drop SOTS bid?

???????According to MattW at MyLeftNutmeg: <read> Now official <read>

Damn the science; Damn the integrity; If it feels good do it!

The troops are supposed to be fighting for Democracy, our right to speak freely and even to protest wars if we choose. So, why do we deny or mislead them into compromising their voting anonymity? Compromising our right that everyone’s vote be anonymous?

Book Review: The Death and Life of American Journalism

Part of the reason there has been so little improvement in our election laws is the lack of demonstrated public interest. Part of the cause of the lack of demonstrated public interest is the lack of information brought to the attention of the public – the lack of news and journalism.

The Death and Life of American Journalism is more than a diagnosis and a prescription. It is a powerful, engaging lesson in history, with an equally persuasive analysis of the current crisis.

Bills Waiting For Action In Last Days Of Session

We expect a lot of our legislators. Lots of bills; too many details receiving too little debate, deliberation, and discussion; too little time in short sessions (and “”long” sessions); with a “part-time” legislature. Typically election laws, critical to democracy, are not the squeaky wheels.

Bysiewicz: “Optical scanners were remarkably accurate”

Remarkable? We do NOT agree that phoning election officials and getting them to agree that they counted inaccurately provides much confidence in the audit, least of all proof that the machines counted accurately. Nor does disregarding incomplete reports create credibility.

Updated: Candidate Withdraws Bounty On Republican Registrations

We tend to agree that it should be illegal. Sounds as bad or worse than some of the things that ACORN was only accused of doing.

Nov 09 Election Audit Reports – Part 2 – Inadequate Counting, Reporting, and Transparency Continue

“The main conclusion of this analysis is that the hand counting remains an error prone activity. In order to enable a more precise analysis, it is recommended that the hand counting precision is substantially improved in future audits. The completeness of the audit reports also need to be addressed…Submitting incomplete audit returns has little value for the auditing process.”

Nov 09 Election Audit Reports – Part 1 – Problems Continue and Some Good News

We should all applaud the unique memory card testing program, yet we must also act aggressively to close the gaps it continues to expose…The good news is that UConn has identified a likely cause of the “junk” data cards. Perhaps a solution is near.

Jon Kantrowitz Talks with Denise Merrill – Discussion of EDR, Early Voting and Vote Counting

John Kantowicz posted comments from a discussion he had with Secretary of the State candidate Denise Merrill on MyLeftNutmeg. This has led to a lively discussion of Election Day Registration (EDR), Early Voting, and Vote Counting with several activists and a registrar joining in the discussion.

West Haven Registrar’s Actions Under Scrutiny

The complaints were filed by Charles Marino, former Democratic registrar of voters, and Deborah Evangelista, who worked 16 years as administrative assistant in the registrar’s office before Hufcut took office…Animosity between Hufcut and Marino goes back to 2008, when Hufcut unseated Marino as Democratic registrar in a heated primary election.