Video: Two Candidates At The JJB Dinner

Gerry Garcia and Denise Merrill, candidates for Secretary of the State at the Jefferson Jackson Bailey Dinner (Annual CT Democratic Party Fund Raiser)

On Voting Integrity, Johnny We Hardly Agree With Ye

For the second time in as many weeks, I find myself disagreeing on an election integrity issue with John Nichols of The Nation.

Inadequate Election Day Registration Pilot Nixed

We are conditionally for Election Day Registration and opposed this inadequate bill. Our opposition was based on authorizing a pilot program with inadequate evaluation provisions, piloting an inadequate, disenfranchising voting method.

Columnist Calls for Elimination of the Secretary of the State

Coming two weeks after April 1st, we assume the author is serious. We point out that transferring the functions of the Secretary of the State to the Attorney General or the State Elections Enforcement Commission would hardly eliminate much of the Secretary’s $8.4 million budget, especially if we still want to register businesses in the state, keep records, comply with election laws, train election officials, total results, assist election officials, and maintain an independent enforcement function. We also note that Hawaii has not been doing so well in elections without a Secretary of the State and is a case study in how not to outsource elections.

Election Assistance Commission charged with shortchanging comment period on Internet Voting

Voter Action today delivered a letter to the US Election Assistance Commission charging that the federal agency is violating the federal Administrative Procedure Act by rushing – without appropriate time for public comment – proposed requirements for pilot programs implementing Internet voting for military and overseas voters in the 2010 election.

Fox Overseeing Chicken Coops – Federal Election Commission Edition

“Caroline Hunter lied to a federal judge about illegal vote caging by the RNC. She now sits on the Federal Election Commission where she continues to do everything possible to deprive Americans of the right to vote. We cannot allow someone like that to practice law. We are calling for her to step down from the FEC and if she does not, to be removed.

How Not To Increase “Voter” Participation

Dallas: It may turn out that mail-in voting enhanced turnout in the wrong way

One Way Connecticut Could Empower Military and Overseas Voters

Which would you prefer if you were overseas, in the military, and had a few minutes to use a computer on base? A one page listing of do’s and don’ts or an interactive facility with Frequently Asked Questions and a staffed help desk designed by and for military and overseas voters?

Sen. Harris Formally Enters Race – Rep. Larson Endorsement

“The secretary of the state’s office is about jobs and democracy,” Harris, a Democrat, said. “And what more basic components do we need to be successful in the future in Connecticut?”

Video: Corey Brinson at Stamford Tea Party

“Organizations like ACORN are fighting every day to undermine our election process and that’s why the democrats are fighting to push through same day voter registration., people are fighting every day to steal the election…I am against anything where I have to give up liberty or freedom or where someone has to tell me how to live my life…what Obama is doing is unamerican.”