Hartford Advocate: Public Financing: Waiting For A Solution

An article that covers the concerns of those on all sides of the issue

Songs Of Voting

Plaudits For Audits, The Voting Machine Song, and They Lost My Vote.

Afghan Results Raise Suspicions

Numbers from several polling places raises suspicions, with all votes going to one candidate, lots of round numbers of votes, and more votes than voters. And fake polling sites.

Diebold/Premier Acquired By ES&S – Promises No Change In Service

I am sure we will have more analysis from others over the next few days. But for now we are not as excited as the company is about the promise of more of the same.

Update: Other coverage of interest

Registrars Say, Optical Scanners Provide Opportunity for Savings

Not only does the new optical scanning voting equipment make a trip to the polling place faster, it will also help the registrars of voters save money as the town moves from eight polling places to six in November.

CT Public Financing Law Ruled Unconstitutional

A stay, appeals, and changes in the law may occur.

Update: 9/1/2009 Court grants two week stay.

Why Vote On Paper? Tales from Georgia and Massachusetts

No paper, no problem! Yet, also less integrity and no credibility!

Should There Be Fewer Polling Places For Primaries?

Meriden Record Journal article provides arguments for and against by city registrars and the Secretary of the State.

NY Times Questions Working Families Party Candidate Financing

In an editorial the New York Times questions the relationship between a private corporation and Working Families Party candidates. If their suspicions are correct it may be a way to skirt campaign financing laws.

Aspen Ballots, An Issue For Us All

We side completely with the activists, they are on the side of democracy, integrity, and transparency of government. Beyond a CD ballots should be made available to the public, the actual ballots should be made available to the public.