
No-Excuse Absentee Voting – Unintended Consequences

As the Connecticut legislature, Secretary of the State candidates, and our current Secretary of the State contemplate following Florida’s lead in expanding mail-in voting, including considering no-excuse absentee voting, we have this cautionary tale from Florida.
This is another fast-food-like voting issue. We like no excuse absentee voting, just like we enjoy fast, fatty food – the problem is that they both have unintended consequences. Yet, most voters and many eaters are not aware of the known risks.

Candidates Qualify For Public Financing For Primary

With a couple of close calls near the deadline, it seems that all the statewide office candidates that wanted to participate in the program have met fundraising criteria.

Merrill, Garcia discuss contributions, increasing participation, and DeRosa’s exclusion from debate

New Haven Independent: Merrill At Public $$ Threshold; Garcia “Halfway” <read> “I thought I should come down and reach out,” Merrill said during an interview at Bru Cafe. Garcia is running to become the first Latino ever elected to statewide office in Connecticut. His campaign promises to dramatically increase the number of registered voters, including […]

Hartford Courant Editoral Board interviews SOTS primary candidates

We applaud the Courant for conducting and making these interviews public. We note a strong emphasis on the elections role of the Secretary of the State (SOTS) – too often we have seen an emphasis by candidates on the business registration aspects of the job. The strong concerns of the Editorial Board seem to be saving money in election administration and increasing turnout. We note however, a shortage of questions and concern on voting integrity, ballot access, serving those with disabilities, and the education of election officials.

Video: Denise Merrill visits the Glastonbury DTC

On Thursday June 17th, Denise Merrill visited the Glastonbury DTC, Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: This is the Q&A.  I asked her to respond to the same question I asked the other candidates in Hartford on Tuesday (she had to leave early):

SOTS Candidates Forum, Hartford Public Library

Given the time constraints and the alternatives to learning about the candidates, it was a very useful event. Much more informative than the single candidate speaking event. More relevant than the stiffer highly public televised “debates” with canned questions from the mainstream media. There was a lively discussion of a wide range of relevant issues. We would like to see more events like this, with more time for questions, more of the public present and engaged – with all the candidates welcome.

Jonathan Harris drops primary bid

“It is critical that civic engagement in our state continues to thrive and that we have a renewed commitment to growing businesses and creating jobs. Democrats are well-positioned to make sure both of these goals are reached, and I look forward to helping the party in any way that I can.”.

Candidates Endorsed: Hot Day In August Predicted: Seven Or Eight Statewide Primaries

The Democratic Convention chose Denise Merrill. Jonathan Harris and Gerry Garcia both received over the 15% of votes to qualify for a primary.

The Republican Convention chose Jerry Farrell. Corey Brinson also received over 15%. UPDATE: May 24: Brinson will not primary. And Tim Reynolds drops primary bid for Democratic Controller.

Andy Garfunkel to drop SOTS bid?

???????According to MattW at MyLeftNutmeg: <read> Now official <read>

Updated: Candidate Withdraws Bounty On Republican Registrations

We tend to agree that it should be illegal. Sounds as bad or worse than some of the things that ACORN was only accused of doing.