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Readers’ Digest: Quick Study: Voting Machines

I’m no fan of the Readers’ Digest*, but even they have finally recognized there is some concern about electronic voting: Quick Study: Voting Machines

Tell Your Rep You Want Voter Integrity, Not Just Privacy!

Bysiewicz Urges Passage of S.B. 444 – We Urge Amendment #6141 Many of the changes necessary to start Connecticut on the road to stronger, effective audits that were in H.B. 5888 have now been offered as an amendment #6141 by Reps Caruso and Urban to S.B.444: An Independent Audit Board A Stronger Chain-of-Custody for Memory […]

Thanks! Voting Integrity Needs Your Call or E-Mail Now!

Update:  Most of the provisions are now included in an amendment by Reps Caruso and Urban,  House LCO Amendment #6141 to S.B. 444.   Update: If you have not done so already, please contact your Connecticut House Representative. Thanks for your calls and e-mails. H.B. 5888 passed the Planning and Development Committee with unanamous support of […]

89 Articles About Why Voting By Mail is a Very Bad Idea

A new addition to our blogroll, www.NoVBM.org (No Vote By Mail), provides more, much more, on the risks of vote by mail that we cover from time to time. Are you wondering why voting by mail or absentee is a bad idea? Are you looking for information about the problems

Vote By Mail – What Could Be More Risky?

Consider the risks of Vote By EMail or Vote By Fax! We are not convinced that vote by mail can be made safe and private. The purpose of the secret ballot is not just to protect the privacy of the voter, but to protect us all from the votes of others being bought or coerced. […]

ROVAC President Addresses Dead Voters – Media Remains Dead To Larger Issues

George Cody, President Registrars Of Voters Association Connecticut, responded to the Dead Voters Issue with a letter to the Hartford Courant <read> Connecticut and the registrars are stuck between a rock and a hard place — aggressively clean up the database and risk dropping voters incorrectly — or demand clear evidence to drop a person […]

Was President Behind Failure Of Holt Bill?

Update: More from Politico <read>. Billions for deficits and earmarks but nothing to provide voters confidence their choices were followed. Larry Norden, director of the voting technology project at the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University’s law school, called the vote “a sad statement on how little Congress has done on the issue […]

No Paper, No Problem*

We favor paper filled out by voters, followed by optical scan, followed by a sufficient audit, just like 100%** of computer scientists. * unless you want your vote actually counted and counted correctly ** very vary small margin of error, such as Michael Shamos. Here is an example from Shamos’ state of the start of […]

Voter Rolls: No Grave Concern

Update: Secretary of the State’s <press release> A UConn study reported in the Hartford Courant demonstrates that the ultimate disability is not a barrier to voting in Connecticut: Dead Voters? Probe Finds Errors In Records, <read>. The deceased continue on the voter rolls and occasionally vote. a list of more than 300 people across Connecticut […]

Reform Moves Forward In Connecticut

While Federal reform is delayed, reform moved forward yesterday in Connecticut. The General Assembly Appropriations Committee passed H.B. 5888 with a joint favorable recommendation to the Legislature. On March 19th, the Government Administration and Elections Committee also passed the bill with a joint favorable recommendation. H.B. 5888, An Act Concerning Revisions To The Optical Scan […]