You are browsing the archive for 2008.

Holt Bill Fails To Get Required 2/3 Of House

The Holt Emergency Bill, H.R. 5036, which we support, failed by 239 to 178 to get a required two-thirds margin in the House of Representatives. AlterNet has the story <read> CTVotersCount thanks the entire Connecticut House Delegation for voting for the bill, with especial thanks to Representative Courtney, a co-sponsor. We also appreciate the work […]

Will The Voter Registration System Be Fixed In Time?

Stamford Advocate: State fixing voter system after primary glitches, <read> Will the pressure on the Secretary of the State’s Office and the Department of Information Technology be sufficient such that the system will actually be fixed to function when it is most needed? For background, see our our earlier coverage of the Norwich Public Hearings. […]

Why We Need Manual Recounts And Audits

They used optical scan! They had the paper! How could the wrong candidate be elected? (See Myth #9 ) Governor’s race decided by margin of 0.2% with highly questionable results. But not recounted or audited. Democratic Underground has the story <read>. Here are the pertinent details: A close look at the 2002 Alabama Governor’s race […]

Voting Machines vs. Slots – Which Do We Protect More?

How we actually treat Voting Machines vs. Las Vegas Slot Machines – Does it indicate our priorities and how important we consider Democracy? From the Washington Post <read and compare> Of course this may or may not apply to Connecticut Slots, but as we covered here, we seem to hold electric meters to a higher […]

FEC ‘Toothless,’ ‘Neutered,’ and ‘A Paralyzed Enforcer’

“It’s no wonder that truth is stranger than fiction. Fiction has to make sense.” – Mark Twain What Me Worry Department <read>.  Truth, not fiction, from Buzzflash, not Mad Magazine.  Nothing of consequence going on this year, right?. The Chicago Tribune, The Washington Post and The New York Times have reported or commented on the […]

The Company That Can’t Or Won’t Count

Forbes Magazine, Diebold a Reluctant Takeover Target <read> I am not encouraged by the prospect of a military contractor taking over our voting machines. On the other hand UTC could certainly provide a higher quality product if they chose to keep and fund the voting machine division. “The New York Stock Exchange has notified Diebold […]

Cost Of Touch Screens (Up To 8x The Cost of Op Scan)

Kim Zetter covers the costs of touch screens in Maryland in the Wired article, The Cost of E-Voting, <read> We are proud of our support of optical scan for Connecticut. In addition to being safer and more auditable, they cost Connecticut about 1/2 as much to purchase and are even more economical to maintain and […]

Internet Voting is Too Risky for Public Elections

We have criticized the DNC for accepting and promoting Internet voting for expat delegates to the convention. This set a completely wrong precedent. It does not take much to imagine the intimidation possible with an internet voting machine set up in a military base, union hall, nursing home, or church. By Verified Voting Foundation April […]

Procedures Alone Insufficient For Effective Election Audits

Coalition Releases 2nd Post-Election Audit Report <read>

Quality and Voting Machines

Imagine the discipline of Quality applied to voting machines. Business Wire story, ASQ Quality Report Offers Solutions to Error-Proof Voting Machines <read> .  Basic modern engineering but we are not applying Quality techniques to voting. Perhaps much more is needed than outlined in this article to produce a voting system with integrity, confidence, and efficiency. […]