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FAQ – Why Is Voting Different Than Scanning A Can Of Peas?

[Greenwich Registrar of Voters] Musca said she had confidence in the machines’ accuracy. There’s no way you can make a mistake. You color in your ovals and the machine reads it,” she said. “It’s as good as scanning their can of peas (at the supermarket). If they trust the price on their can of peas, […]

Statewide errors threaten Nov. election

Update: At the GAE hearing in West Hartford, Gail Stempien, Assistant Registrar in Simsbury pointed to the failure of the voter registration system as an example of why Connecticut should not program our own memory cards. (Earlier, CTVotersCount member Denise Weeks had testified to the benefits of programming the memory cards within Connecticut, followed by […]

Testimony – Nowalk Public Hearing

I testified for about ten minutes in two segments, one formal and one informal, at the Government Administration and Elections Committee Public Hearing in Norwalk. A separate blog on this site covers the flow as testimony at the Norwalk hearing, another the earlier Norwich hearing. Yesterday, I completed an expanded version of my testimony covering […]

Norwalk GAE Hearing

Testimony submitted and posted at GAE site. Once again I have been procrastinating a bit in writing up the Norwalk GAE Public Hearing held last Thursday. The tone of the hearing was much different than the one in Norwich. This blog has a separate entry with my formal testimony. In Norwich, for the most part, […]

Talk Nation Radio – Fix Security Issues By Nov

Another excellent Talk Nation Radio <read listen> Dr. Rebecca Mercuri, Professor Alex Shvartsman, Deputy Secretary of State Lesley Mara, and Connecticut Registrars discuss problems with the voting machines and security protocols set up to use them. The Deputy Secretary of State Lesley Mara reported nineteen voting machine failures last year, but at least some failures […]

For Those Who Long For Lever Machines

Update: Bloomberg Charges ‘Fraud’ in NYC Primary, But Believes ‘No Legal Issue at Stake’  <Brad Blog Summary> So if we have all of that straight, the NYC Mayor’s office confirmed they believe there was “fraud” at work in the city’s Primary Election, but don’t believe there are any “legal issues at stake.” Interesting position… How […]

71 Polling Places Selected For Audit – Bysiewicz Announces Voting Board

71 Districts were selected today in a random drawing for the Presidential Primary post-election audits. Secretary of the State Susan Bysiewicz also announced the formation of a Voting Security and Accessibility Board. <read> Secretary Bysiewicz with CTVotersCount member Melinda Valencia ten percent of the polling precincts used in the election are subject to an audit. […]

Norwich GAE Hearing

Testimony submitted and posted at GAE site. Update: Testimony of Beth Angel, East Hampton <read> in my hometown, East Hampton, at the last municipal election. The results of the election required a recount effort, which ended up necessitating 3 recounts. Each recount delivered differing results from the initial count after the November 6 election. Those […]

Two Companies’ False Statements – Should Both Be Of Concern?

Company #1 keeps some of us warm: Breaks the law and hides information from consumers. Company #2 is the state’s sole source for maintaining our democracy: Previously under SEC and DOJ investigation, now admits hiding financial woes. This is the second time in recent months that utilities have been caught red handed and the second […]

Public Input Sought On New Voting System

Stamford Advocate discusses Public hearings starting next week. <read> See the schedule our our Calendar. “We’ve got to do everything humanly possible to ensure the integrity of the electoral process. I think it’s incumbent upon us to be vigilant and seek information from the public,” said state Rep. Chris Caruso, D-Bridgeport, chairman of the General […]