Voter Registration System Is Upgraded

Story by Christine Stuart, CTNewsJunkie <read> Earlier coverage <read>

UConn Report Shows Junk Memory Cards Direct From Vendor

Posted on October 11, UConn has a new report dated October 7th of the Pre-Election testing of memory cards for the August 2008 Primary, Pre-Election Audit of Memory Cards for the August 2008 Connecticut Primary Elections <read> There was a different methodology used to gather cards for this report. Previous reports were of an incomplete […]

DemocracyNow: Greg Palast – Jennifer Brenner

A full hour on voting integrity: I especially recommend the 2nd segment with Ohio Secretary of State, Jennifer Brunner.  She demonstrates that while she has her hands full in Ohio, she understands the issues and has moved aggressively to improve voting integrity and voter access.  She commissioned the Everest reports and has used them to […]

Times Editorial: Critics Should Not Be Dismissed.

The New York Times in an editorial, That’s a Pretty Big Glitch, nails the issue again <read> In the early days of electronic voting, critics who warned that it was unreliable were dismissed as alarmist. Now it seems that hardly an election goes by without reports of serious vulnerabilities or malfunctions. Unfortunately, for the most […]

Graphic Demonstration: Problems With Machine Recounts

We keep making the case that recounting by machine is unreliable and not up to the demands of Democracy. Kim Zetter has a readable and detailed article describing the ups and downs of the recent Palm Beach recounts. We have always said that recounting by machine can cause the same errors, if any, to simply […]

FAQ: Actions You Can Take To Insure Your Vote Is Counted

3 Min – Sign-Up for the Newsletter and Action Alert We promise not to inundate you. <sign-up> 30 Min – Contact Your State Legislators Now Tell them you are concerned with the integrity of the voting process in Connecticut and want legislation in 2009 for an independent audit board, sufficient, effective post-election audits, 100% […]

Lessons From RI/DC – Hand Recounts & Voter Fraud

The Providence Journal has the story of a very close primary in our neighboring state. There are some interesting lessons here. <read> First there is a reason CTVotersCount wants manual hand-to-eye counts in close races, rather than reading the votes through a machine. Primarily (no pun intended) any machine errors will likely just be repeated. […]

Connecticut Accused Of Purging Voters In Violation Of Federal Law

The U.S. Public Interest Research Group has released a report that is getting national attention, Vanishing Voters: Why Registered Voters Fall Off the Rolls. The report accuses 19 states of improperly purging voters from the rolls, in violation of federal law. <read> Fifteen years after enactment of the NVRA, however, many states continue to appear […]

Downsizing Newspaper Recommends Downsizing Registrars

Most of us would agree that Central Connecticut needs more than one daily newspaper. If there was any doubt it certainly was erased this week. On Monday the “New” Hartford Courant came out with its latest and most drastic downsizing. On Tuesday an editorial suggesting among other things that we should have a single elected […]

Unintended Consequences? Deliberate Voter Suppression?

The Brennan Center and others are reporting that the Social Security Administration is shutting down its system for maintenance for three days, just when it is required for voter registration verification. <read> A recent alert by the Social Security Administration announces that the agency plans to shut down its databases for maintenance from October 11 […]