HB 5888 – New Audit Law – Including Hand Count Recounts

Update 3/16/2008 Please see the 1st comment from George Cody correcting my impression that he was against the bill. Yesterday, I testified in favor of HB 5888 recommending some suggested changes. With some improvements the bill would be a big step forward providing an Independent Audit Board, more effective statistics based audits, removes some of […]

Secretary Bysiewicz Responds To CTVotersCount Petition

About three weeks ago we delivered the CTVotersCount petition to the Government Administration and Elections Committee and to Secretary of the State, Susan Bysiewicz. Secretary Bysiewicz sent a letter in response to the petition to each signer <letter> <petition> Special thanks to each Connecticut voter who signed the petition. Your support will substantially contribute to […]

Voter Registration System – Lots Of Finger Pointing

Stamford Advocate article has Registrars, Secretary of the State, and the Department of Information Technology statements about the unreliable voter registration system <read> A few years ago, registrars of voters in Stamford and Norwalk faced off with the state over their reluctance to join the new centralized voter registration system. The registrars unsuccessfully argued the […]

Susan Bysiewicz: LHS Invented Our Voting Machines

Surprising information on Colin McEnroe. This is not what I have understood, yet I am always open to new information. <listen> “We have a type of machine that was invented by LHS Associates in Massachusetts, twenty years ago” – Susan Bysiewicz, Secretary of the State, Connecticut This is worth a bit of research. How can […]

CTVotersCount Members Testify At GAE Hearing

On Friday 2/29/2008 the Government Administration And Elections Committee held hearings on a variety of bills, several of which involve election administration <Agenda> While we have interests for and against some of the other bills, three members of CTVotersCount testified toward improvements in SB 444, AN ACT CONCERNING CERTAIN REVISIONS AND TECHNICAL CHANGES TO THE […]

East Haven GAE Hearing + Video

The fifth and last hearing was in East Haven on 2/27. Once again a different flavor and new information.

Ten Myths In The Nutmeg State

Ten Myths About Electronic Voting In Connecticut: Myth #1 – Connecticut has the toughest and strongest audit law in the country because we audit 10%.

Danbury GAE Hearing

The Danbury hearing saw smaller attendance and fewer speakers than the previous three hearings. Yet, like the others it had its own tone and provided fresh prospectives.

Denise Weeks’ Testimony – West Hartford

Denise Weeks, Co-Founder CTVotersCount.org testified at the West Harford hearing <testimony> Excerpts: What is most alarming to me is the prevailing belief among registrars of voters and poll workers that machine counts are more reliable than hand counts, that the recent audits demonstrate that machines are more reliable and the conclusion by many that hand […]

David Dill, Founder VerifiedVoting.org

People will make incorrect claims about state, and especially national, laws about electronic voting,… In one local state or community, people could make some problem sound totally insolvable, when in fact it’s routinely solved in other places. Once you know that and have that perspective, it’s easier to get something done.