FAQ: Stop! What You Are Doing Will Scare The Voters Away From The Polls.

While not a question. This statement has been raised a couple of times in the last few days. A candidate was concerned that by raising the issue of election integrity it could cut voting at the polls. A registrar called to tell me that there were a lot seniors in her town that would be […]

Surely You’re Joking, Professor Altschuler!

Recently I attended a meeting of the Cornell Club of Hartford as a guest of a member. She had invited me and several other voting advocates because the speaker was Cornell Professor of American Studies, Glenn C. Altschuler. He is an expert on election history. Professor Altschuler was an entertaining speaker, spiking the talk with […]

CT News Roundup

TalkNationRadio.org Part 3 of 4 <read> It’s not in LHS’s interest to have their machines viewed as failure prone and I don’t think that they should be in the pipeline between the moderator and the registrar on the one hand and the SOS on the other. So I think the whole flow of information that […]

Conference Call With Debra Bowen

Debra Bowen is California Secretary of the State responsible for the Top To Bottom Review, and the decertification of electronic voting machines from Diebold and two other vendors: <transcript and conference call> Some people have criticized the Review as being biased and not conducted in the real world, and it certainly was not, it was […]

Thorns In The Side or Unappreciated Donors?

“Hackers Welcome” is a refreshing read, at least for the technically inclined.  A great comparison of how different companies treat the discovery of software problems by outsiders – as things to be covered up or as gifts to be appreciated.  Insiders who do the same are either appreciated, suppressed, or out themselves for our benefit […]

FAQ: Have they have fixed all the problems with the voting machines?

Lately I have heard several versions of this statement. In July a registrar said something close to the following to me: The company let go of all the bad (convicted felon) programmers and they have fixed all the problems with the machines. Last week a local monthly paper had this to say in an editorial: […]

CT Voting and Audit Stories – NJ Certification Problems

Doubts Cast On Voting Machines. Westport News – An excellent summary of the concerns with the AccuVote-OS in Connecticut. Cromwell Vote To Be Audited. Middletown Press – “Town officials learned of the audit in a telephone call from a reporter Thursday night.” I wonder what the official plans are to notify registrars that their towns […]

Random Drawing

Updated: 9/14 and 9/16 Yesterday I attended and participated in the public random drawing of districts for audit. Hopefully, in the next day or two CT-N will put up the video. I did manage to catch some of the rerun late last night. (Note: I will keep updating this entry as more information and the […]

Primary Audits Insuffient – The Numbers and The Loopholes

CORRECTION: Watching the CT-N rerun Secretary Bysiewicz said 98%-99% UPDATE: I participated in the random district drawing today at the Secretary of the State’s press conference. Actual count: 110 districts, 11 to be audited. Loophole leaves West Haven, part of Bridgport, and other elections exempt from audit. Secretary claims audits detect errors and fraud 96?-98% […]

ConnPost Covers Election Glitches

Secretary of the State Susan Bysiewicz said there were only a “very, very small number of issues” with the new machines… Bysiewicz said that of the 125 Connecticut precincts using the machines Tuesday, only six reported significant problems with their machines. As a retired software engineer I would say this is not surprising, given the […]