Statistics Can Help Ensure Accurate Elections

The American Statistical Association’s Science and Public Affairs Advisory Committee has recommended that post election audits have at least a 90% level of confidence. Election officials need to make sure the person elected winner is the person the most voters want..Election results are most trustworthy when the entire election process can be audited, not just […]

Bradblog: Diebold Insider Trading

All told, The BRAD BLOG has found the insider sales totaled $665,512 in the week before the value of the company’s stock price would plunge in a massive sell-off triggered by a top financial analyst who had lowered the company’s rating from “buy” to “hold.” Read the whole story, so far.

Brennan Center: The Machinery Of Democracy

On August 1st the Brannan Center released a report Post-Election Audits: Restoring Trust in Elections which has been covered on Today we will look at the security portion of an earlier report The Machinery Of Democracy: Accessibility, Usability, and Cost and its implications for Connecticut. The tone of the report is serious. The conclusions […]

FAQ: We all trust ATM’s. Why don’t you trust voting machines?

This is a very understandable and legitimate question that must be answered. If there were significant problems with ATM’s we would know about them because banks or consumers would be losing money, it would be reported all over the news, and there would be investigations by regulators. The guilty would be punished, the losses restored, […]

A Rose By Any Other Name Could Be Just As Thorny

Diebold Election Systems, Inc. is now Premier Election Solutions, Inc. The <press release> emphasizes continuity with increased independence from the parent, Diebold. Yet, at the same time the release indicates that Election Systems has always been relatively independent. Reuters article emphasizes that Diebold had failed to sell the Election Systems unit which has been a […]

Dan Rather Reports – The Trouble With Our Fear Of Facing The Facts

On Tuesday night Dan Rather Reports on HDTV presented “The Trouble With Touch Screens”. It is well worth watching in its 64 minute entirety. Dan Rather deserves credit for this important and detailed report, however, there are inadequacies in the report that must be acknowledged as well – it is chilling, and devastating, yet mistitled, […]

FAQ: What problems do you perceive with our voting machines in CT?

(Note: This question was posed in an e-mail from a registrar. Here is my reply, edited a bit.)

Has LHS Director Challenged Brad To A Debate?

“Do I seem to be irate? You bet and it has nothing to do with the legitimacy of electronic voting, which I have also questioned.” – Ken Hajjar, Director of Sales & Marketing, LHS Brad Friedman, a nationally know election integrity advocate has received an e-mail allegedly from Ken Hajjar, LHS, Director of Sales and […]

Kentucky AG and Sarasota FL – Diebold AccuVote-OS in Jeopardy

“Any voting systems subject to manipulation and corruption should be reexamined and decertified,” [Kentucky Attorney General Greg] Stumbo said. “Faulty electronic voting systems jeopardize the public’s confidence in Kentucky’s elections.”Stumbo’s concerns are based on serious security flaws identified by experts in California, which led to emergency decertification of the voting machines by California. Read the […]

NPR Programs Explain Issues and Vulnerabilities

Update: Media Matters covers distortions in media coverage of CA decertification Two recent NPR programs clearly explain the issues in easily understandable terms for the general public. Science Friday, August 4th, Matt Bishop, University of California, Davis – Red Team Leader and Security Expert, Professor Matt Bishop, describes clearly how security can be compromised. Also […]