Video: Denise Merrill visits the Milford DTC

“Frankly, I’m not all all that concerned about getting lots more people registered to vote. We saw last time 225,000 people registered to vote who had never voted before…they wanted to vote because they were inspired to vote, because they had someone to vote for, and that is what we need.”

Municipal Primary Post-Election Audit Drawing

There were 33 districts in the recent primary, so 4 or 10% were selected for audit. We also selected one alternate. Given the number of districts in Hartford, New Haven, and West Haven it is not surprising that they were selected.

Rep. Spallone drops out – Endorses Merrill for Secretary of the State

…he concluded that he cannot devote his full attention to repairing the state‘s fledgling campaign finance law, his duties as co-chairman of the General Administration and Elections Committee, and his district, while running a statewide campaign.

What could a Secretary of the State Do?

Much of what we hear from candidates is proposed cheerleading and leadership from the bully pulpit: the bills they would propose to the legislature, the leadership they would provide to improve the business climate, encourage voting, and voting integrity in Connecticut. However, there are items that the Secretary of the State can do on their own initiative to improve business registration, public access to information, and the election process.

Video: Jonathan Harris visits the Glastonbury DTC

* Building participation of the voters, at the voting booth, and also in our communities
* The Secretary of the State as a true business advocate
* A stepped-up use of e-government so that the Secretary of the State’s Office can be a focal point for information

The Risks of Mail-In and No-Excuse Absentee Voting

Voting at your precinct on a paper ballot has been the gold standard in elections around the world and in Boulder County for a long time. When comparing the security of precinct polling place voting to the security of the mailed ballot, there is little doubt about which is gold and which is tin. [Or in Connecticut which is more befitting our nickname, ‘The Constitution State’ and which ‘The Nutmeg State’]

One Vote, Or Three Votes They Are All Important

Two recent interesting stories in the Courant that relate to past posts, both point to the value of individual votes: Case 1: One Vote “Creates” A Difference. Case 2: Three Votes Lead To One Controversial Vote.

Testimony: Rescanning On Same Type Scanner Would Gut Post-Elecition Audit

The current bill is based on three assumptions, all of which are erroneous because:
1. A count by an identical scanner and memory card is NOT equivalent to a manual count.
2. The audits DO NOT cost too much.
3. People in Connecticut CAN count votes accurately

The Times: They are a Antitrust’n, but it is not enough

“The Justice Department’s work should not end with blocking this one sale. It also needs to keep a close eye on widespread reports of anticompetitive behavior by Election Systems and Software and other vendors.”

Canada May Join Internet Voting Race To The Bottom

“Democracy depends upon a fair, accurate and transparent electoral process with outcomes that can be independently verified. Conventional voting accomplishes many of these goals – private polling stations enable citizens to cast their votes anonymously, election-day scrutineers offer independent oversight and paper-based ballots provide a verifiable outcome that can be re-counted if necessary.”