John Gideon Leaves It To Us

We get a healthy dose of news from John Gideon at and his Daily Voting News. Today he highlights the difference between a legislator and the Secretary of State in Colorado: <read> The state Senate Majority Leader is quoted as saying this about the election integrity community, “I believe the group has gotten larger. […]

Lou Dobbs Segment On NJ Ruling And E-Voting

On the occasion of the NJ ruling yesterday, Lou Dobbs interviewed the lawyer involved, Penny Venetis, and two voting advocates, David Dill and John Bonifaz. Full transcript <read> Voting segment: KITTY PILGRIM, CNN NEWS CORRESPONDENT (voice over): A victory for voters. In Trenton, New Jersey, today, a court ruled that accuracy tests on paperless, electronic […]

Democracy Too Important To Hide Under Trade Secrets

N.J. Star-Ledger, Judge rules public can see voting machine test results, <read> A Superior Court judge in Trenton today agreed to overturn her ruling barring computer experts from publicizing test results of electronic voting machines. The move was a victory for the American Civil Liberties Union and New Jersey media organizations that argued the public […]

Editor’s Note

We want you to visit CTVotersCount frequently to keep up-to-date with important developments in Connecticut and beyond. Unlike a newspaper we do not have to produce something every day. However, going several days without a post we start to get restless. Our answer is to provide Frequently Asked Questions and Ironies. These are intended to […]

CT Irony #2: The Closest Races Will Never Be Audited

Nor will they ever be hand-counted. Nor will contested races. Connecticut’s “strongest in the country” post-election audit law exempts races that are recounted or races that are contested from post-election audits. The law does not require that recounts be manual hand-to-eye counts and the Secretary of the State after some hesitation has lifted her requirement […]

Broken System: Bridgeport Primary Does Not Add Up

Summary: This article and the Bridgeport Primary expose the problems with a “system” that ignores and excuses discrepancies that are discovered. As we have often pointed out in post-election audit reports, ignoring and excusing away discrepancies means that if there is ever an error or a fraud it will not be recognized. In this case […]

What Does It Take To Get A Voting Machine Federally Certified?

Not Much <read the whole story> Last February, SysTest labs wrote its certification test report for a new voting system manufactured by Premier Election Solutions (formerly Diebold). The report listed the 79 problems the lab found during testing. Even so, SysTest recommended the system be certified by the EAC. As we have pointed out, apparently […]

CT Irony #1: The Hand-Count Irony

In our most recent Presidential Primary there were many towns in Connecticut that ran out of optical scan ballots and a huge percentage (30-40% ?) of the vote in those towns was then un-scannable hand counted copied ballots. These were counted late at night by unprepared election officials after a fifteen hour day. Ironically the […]

Risks Continue For 2008 – Myths Have Not Been Repealed Nor Refuted

Note: A post by Jon Kantrowitz on MLM prompted this response. There is no reason to be comfortable. The “Ten Myths In The Nutmeg State” have not been repealed. I have the greatest respect for the computer scientists mentioned in the article, their research, and their contributions. We also need many more election officials as […]

Voting Machine Does Not Compute – Story Does Not Compute

The Danbury NewsTimes has the story of problems with a referendum in New Milford <read>. We are always pleased to see election integrity coverage, and we agree with the sentiments of this article, however there is something more to investigate. Apparently New Milford is not following procedures or there is more to the story. Problems […]