Candidate’s rivals bothered by company’s role with voting machines

Update: 10/16 More News From New Britain: Party’s changes in ballots stress election chiefs Apparently Higher Pay does not prevent stress. New Britain Herold story by Rick Guinness – Are voting machines protected properly? The article and the quotes from individuals involved open more questions than they answer. It is clear that Gerry Amodio is […]

Bev Harris Discusses Vulnerabilities in Bridgeport

Bev Harris of has posted a stimulating discussion of the election in Bridgeport and our vulnerabilities. Not the kind of national publicity we should be proud of in the Constitution State: <read> Bev alleges no known illegalities or incorrect vote counts, but points to the vulnerabilities of our custody procedures, the sealing of our […]

Brad Blog Interviews Professor Steve Freeman

It is funny to hear myself speak like radical on this issue. I’ve spent my life starting businesses and teaching in such radical institutions as Harvard Business School system and Wharton. Running businesses, starting businesses and teaching business school students. But when you are talking about privatizing elections you are really giving up the security […]

Post-Election Audits – the 7.2% Audit and Other Glitches

(Note: This is an abbreviated and edited version of observations and concerns with the post-election audits recently submitted to and discussed with Lesley Mara, Deputy Secretary of the State) It is natural for things to be learned in practice that were not anticipated in creating laws and procedures. The recent random audits are a demonstration […]

Diebold Documentation – CA Top-To-Bottom Review

Debra Bowen has recently released the “Documentation Assessment of the Diebold Voting Systems”. Having served as a software buyer and as a product manager, I can attest that software documentation is almost always an afterthought, usually poor, hard to keep up to date, and expensive to do well. Its also a very boring and mundane […]

Senator Dodd: Keep Bush’s Hans Off Our Elections

Although I appreciate many of Christopher Dodd’s heartfelt positions he is the one person in the Senate primarily responsible for the so called, Help America Vote Act. He compounds his error as he fails to oppose Hans Von Spakovsky for the Election Assistance Commission. Senator Feingold and Obama are standing up for us. Standing up […]

Council approves raises for poll workers using new technology

Post-election audits have been called unfunded mandates by registrars and municipalities (Note: audits are actually being paid for at this time by Federal HAVA funds). But raises justified by the new optical scan machines seem to be no problem in one Connecticut town. <read> The Common Council has approved raises for poll workers, who will […]

TalkNationRadio – Part 4 of 4

Dori Smith completes her four part service to Connecticut Voters with two interviews. <read> Excellent interviews with Daniel Seligson from the PEW Research Center and Prof Michael Fisher, President of TrueVoteCT. However, I must take exception to Daniel Seligson’s faith in Connecticut’s audit law.  Has he read it?  Or has he fallen into the trap of believing the […]

Myth-Based Voting

Your editorial “Fail-Safe Voting?”, September 20, 2007, could be titled “Myth-Based Voting?”.

Another Day, Another Loophole In PA 07-194

What if a post-election audit uncovers a problem with the machine count? Wouldn’t it be a good idea to examine the memory card and the voting machine for evidence that could be used to detect fraud or to understand the cause of the problem so it could be prevented next time? Unfortunately, audits must start […]