Courant: Iranians Sure Could Speed Up U.S. Voting System

CTVotersCount readers know we have often criticized Courant Editorials. In this case we are pleased to agree…

Two CT Reps Co-Sponsor Voter Confidence and Increased Accessibility Act

Today Representative Rush Holt introduced a new and improved Voter Confidence and Increased Accessibility Act, H.R. 2894. CTVotersCount appreciates Representatives John Larson and Jim Himes for signing on as initial co-sponsors.

Update: New York Times Endorses Holt Bill: “The House leadership should make passing Mr. Holt’s bill a priority. Few issues matter as much as ensuring that election results can be trusted.”

Iran: Who Won? Who Lost? Was It Stolen? Was It Credible?

For now, we can say that Ahmadinejad seems to have won, one way or another. But winning in a questionable way with the opposition protesting is not a complete win, it may come back and bite sooner or later. Credibility is missing. Without credibility, democracy loses — no matter the intent of the voters — no matter the accuracy of the election.

Help America Vote Act Fails Again

CTVotersCount readers know that HAVA has failed miserably in improving integrity. Its been a costly exercise that has improved voting integrity in some states and reduced it in others.

Now we can add another failure. According to the GAO report, only 27% of polling places actually have no impediments to voting by the disabled. Its worse than that.

Results of Post-Election Audit of the May 4th Municipal Election

This time we agree with the Secretary of the State on the post-election audit results in Naugatuck. Both people and machines can count very accurately. That is what we should always expect of election officials.

CT: 2009 Regular Session Legislative Roundup/Wrapup

This year, CTVotesCount supported several bills, opposed several bills, and took no positions on other bills related to elections and voting. The regular session ended at midnight June 3rd with a special session scheduled for later in June to address the budget and possibly some other issues. In this post we will provide updates on the status of bills of interest as we are made aware of their final status.

Barbara Simons: The Internet and Voting: Worth Doing Right

Recently we were dissapointed when the Huffington Post ran a PR piece from Everyone Counts touting their risky election technology used in a Honolulu election. Now, Huffington Post has provided a platform for an expert technologist’s view.

Internet Voting: One of the Most Serious Threats to Democracy in the 21st Century

Now, President Obama has formally recognized the risks and insecurity of the internet. Given that recognition, the incidents we see reported almost daily, and those viruses that occasionally hit our computers, on what basis can anyone support internet voting?

Same Day Voter Registration Passes Connecticut House

The bill, via an amendment which we understand was passed, provides essentially an absentee ballot for newly registered voters. This is a resonable compromise. We support the bill. However, we point out that absentee ballots centrally counted or hand counted remain exempt from Connecticut’s post-election audits.

MN: Citizens for Election Integity: Audit and Recount Report

The voting machines used in the audited precincts were shown to be accurate. All recount observers felt the counting procedures were accurate and none questioned the integrity of the count. No systematic concerns were raised by observers in the post-election audit or recount. Some procedures are in need of improvement, such as the absentee ballot process.

We look forward to a day when the Connecticut audit results are equally reassuring