It Pays To Complain – Election Officials Complain, Diebold Makes Public Pay

Humboldt County, CA found problems with the Dieblod GEMS system which it intended to replace, while it intended to continue to use its Diebold voter registration system.  Now it is left with 90 days to find another solution as Dieblod executes its option to terminate its support of the county.   Hard to interpret this as […]

John Gideon, 1947-2009

John Gideon, 1947-2009

Voting integrity has lost a great friend, John Gideon. John had a huge impact and leaves us all with a large gap to fill.

I share the deep sense of sadness of everyone in the voting integrity community at the untimely loss of this giant of a man – Rep Rush Holt

Update 05/07/2009: TalkNationRadio Clips of John Gideon and Interviews his collaborators

NYT: Gov. Siegleman overdue for same as Sen. Stevens

Mr. Siegelman was convicted in 2006 on dubious corruption charges. He spent nine months in prison before being released on appeal, and he faces years more behind bars. He has long insisted that the case against him was politically motivated and that prosecutors engaged in an array of professional and ethical violations

What Did The November 2008 Post-Election Audit Cost?

How much did our November audit cost? Election officials and towns complain about the cost of the audits and that they threaten town budgets.

No matter what your politics, you can find many many votes in Hartford, Washington, or your town that you disagree with, costing one way or another more than the cost of an audit. What is the value of confidence that all those officials were elected without error or fraud?

Act Now! – Oppose H.B. 5903 – Protect Soldiers’ Votes

The Government Administration and Elections Committee (GAE) has passed a bill that will threaten the security and privacy of military absentee votes, H.B. 5903. And it could be expensive!

It sounds good but, in addition to CTVotersCount, it is opposed by computer scientists, TrueVoteCT members, and Secretary of the State Susan Bysiewicz.

Timely Reminders From the Secretary of the State and CTVotersCount

The Secretary of the State, Susan Bysiewicz reminds voters of the importance of local elections and the importance of registering to vote in advance.

CTVotersCount reminds voters that referendums are not exempt from the risk of error and insider fraud, yet are entirely exempt from post-election audits.

Vendors Attack Open Source with Obfuscation, Inaccuracy, Doubt

The Election Technology Council released a white paper: Open Source: Understanding Its Application In The Voting Industry. Professor Dan Wallach explains the flaws in their arguments and understanding of open source.

Madison: AutoMark – Off The Mark for People with Disabilities

The last thing people with poor eyesight and other disabilities need is a machine that is unreliable and can’t see straight itself.

Phoenix: Ballots Missing – Integrity and Confidence Also Missing

“If we are correct,” Risner wrote in his Monday letter to the Attorney General’s office, concerning the absence of as many as 19,000 paper ballots, as estimated by observers of the counting in Phoenix, “the question arises as to what happened to those ballots.” The latest mystery adds still more fuel to the already high-stakes, long-sought hand-count, and raises new questions in the nearly three-years long

Court Affirms Minnesota Recount and Election Fair

Court Affirms Minnesota Recount and Election Fair

After seven weeks of trial, the factual record is devoid of any allegations of fraud, tampering, or security breeches on Election Day, during the recount process, or during the election contest.

We are not comfortable that a statewide or even a Congressonal District recount in Connecticut would result is a thorough or as credible a recount as we have seen and admire in Minnesota.

We highly recommend the 2nd video, if you are willing to invest the 87 minutes.