Common Sense: Public Transparency and Verifiability

In our last post in this series, Why Should Audits Be Independent, we ended with “When it comes to elections, are independent audits sufficient? Not really. We need public transparency and verifiability as well.” In this post, we will address transparency and verifiability.

Overseas Vote Foundation, Voting Research Newsletter

Some important and fascinating information in the latest issue of the Voting Research Newsletter. In general there is some good news with regard to improvements over time in return rates of military ballots, yet several types of relevant data not collected or reported for specific states and for all states. Closer to home, Connecticut is one of the many states missing data.

Bankrupt city? Running out of common sense?

The worst possible action would be to throw the votes out and certify. That punishes the voters for actions of pollworkers and election supervisors. That would defy common senses and cancel democracy.

An instructive story – Suppression, Conspiracy, Intrigue, Incredible, unfortunately True

This is a tale of three individuals focusing on the less known of the three, and her struggles with a country bent on suppressing information required of its citizens to participate in, direct, and obtain democracy. It would be quite a movie trailer or book sample text, yet perhaps too unbelievable.

Connecticut Deserves a Fully Transparent and Deliberative Legislature

Last week, Fresh Talk from the Courant provides a partial case for a full-time Legislature.We agree with the basic reasons presented in the argument, yet there is more that should be required of a full-time, close to adequately compensated legislature.

We can fix this and improve election integrity

Verified Voting Recommendations to the Presidential Commission on Election Administration

They know what you think and how your vote will be recorded

NY Review of Books has a article by James Bamford, a true expert on the NSA: They Know Much More Than You Think which ends with an insightful quote from the late Senator Frank Church, which we paraphrase for the coming of Internet voting to Connecticut.

Well intended misstep on Connecticut’s horizon?

The Hartford Courant editorial board celebrates a step towards a mistake for which they have long advocated

There is always an easy solution to every human problem–neat,
plausible, and wrong.- H.L. Mencken

Electronic voting as safe as electricity and nuclear power?

In a recent Hartford Courant Op-Ed, Arthur House, chair of the Connecticut Public Utilities Regulatory Authority and previous Director of Communications of the Director of National Intelligence addressed cyber threats to public utilities. We cannot help but compare the concern of Mr. House for our utilities ability to protect the infrastructure, with the sure confidence of our Governor and Legislature in the ability of the Secretary of the State and local election officials to develop systems, at no cost, to make the Internet safe for online voting. Democracy is at least as important as the infrastructure.

Student hijacks election, case highlights internet voting vulnerability

Another challenge for Secretary of the State Denise Merrill and the state Military Department in creating a safe online voting system for Connecticut. We would add that one of the key (pun intended) vulnerabilities in online voting is in the user id’s and passwords required for voting.