Friedman predicts 2012 Presidential candidate via Estonia-like Internet voting system

Op-ed wherein the observer of a flat world, Tom Friedman, endorses an Estonia-like election system embraced by a third party looking to elect our President, chosen in a nationwide Internet primary. Would it be free from special interest influences, far from the center of power? Would it be transparent financially and electorally? Hardly, if Friedman and the Daily Beast accurately describe the forces behind the initiative. UPDATED.

What, US Worry?: Estoina, like Connecticut, wrestles with Internet Voting

Some good news amidst the government huffing and puffing. A city is fighting for election integrity and that the OSCE report was created and is so thorough. Perhaps Connecticut will learn more from all this than Estonia has.

Secretary of the State convenes “Elections Performance Task Force”

We note an emphasis on voter convenience and making “life easier for our local officials”. These are laudable goals, however, these should be balanced with an equal emphasis on voting integrity, transparency, and “counting every vote”, providing voters with justified confidence in the system. We wish the task force well and hope that all relevant goals will be considered. While the task force plans to “look at new, innovative technologies” it includes no experts on technology or security.

Secretaries of State on MOVE Act and Online Voting

We believe Connecticut can do better at supporting Military and Overseas Voting. We should be following and improving on the success of states like Minnesota and New York. We should avoid risky, expensive, insufficient solutions like the West Virgina prototype.

Exit Polling Nixed in Middle of Wisconsin Election

Government Accountability Board halts citizen election accountability. Despite prior approval, volunteer citizens group barred from doing what Corporations have been doing for years.

Round-Up: O Me O My O – Errors in Jersey and Fraud in Ohio

We frequently highlight stories of election error and fraud nationwide. We do this as a service to provide references to counter the frequent statements from election officials and legislators claiming no record of such errors and fraud.

Audit Report: Flawed by lack of transparency, incomplete data, and assumed accuracy

Lack of transparency in the process, provides no basis for public confidence in the process, in the audit, and ultimately in our election system. The purpose of the audit is to determine the accuracy of the optical scanners, that purpose is negated when the accuracy is assumed. A statistical calculation based on randomly selected data, omitting some of that data not randomly chosen for omission, is invalid.

4th of July Suggestion

This weekend is a great time to [re-]read the Declaration of Independence.
The Declaration of Independence asserts our rights to determine and change our form of government – without voting integrity we lose that most fundamental of rights.

David Jefferson: Email Voting — A National Security Threat in Government Elections

While all Internet voting systems are vulnerable to such attacks and thus should be unacceptable to anyone, email voting is by far the worst Internet voting choice from a national security point of view since it is the easiest to attack in the largest number of different ways.

Voter fraud? Or thinly disguised agenda?

Where there is smoke we expect fire. Where there are extraordinary claims we need at least reasonable evidence.