Hartford: Wasting $ As Usual

Story from Jeffery B. Cohen at the Courant:

.”Working Families Party registrar Urania Petit called Cityline this morning to complain. Her Democratic colleague, Olga Iris Vazquez, hired a six-week, $13-an-hour, temporary employee two weeks ago to help with the September primary.”

EVT/WOTE Conference, Montreal

Monday and Tuesday, the EVT/WOTE Conference was held in Montreal. This tends to be a highly technical conference on potentential voting technologies, security and vulnerabilities in current technology, and related projects. For me it is a mixture of new information relevant voting, interesting technical articles, a time to reflect, and to connect with others involved in causing voting integrity.

Largest Democracy Risks It All On Electronic Voting

” In the absence of such certainty, the entire democratic process would be rendered a mockery. It is to ensure that democracy in its true sense is brought back that AIADMK decided to boycott the by-polls.’’

Video: The Costs of Op-scan vs. DRE’s

In Tennessee they are fighting for optical scan in the Legislature.  Election officials claim that the costs of  paper ballots, audits, and optical scanners is too much.  We hear similar complaints about the costs of paper ballots and audits in Connecticut as well. We recommend watching the video of a legislator as he explains reality […]

Freepress: Morn Election Heroes in U.S. and Phillipines

Bob Fitrakis: The passing of Aquino, the rigging of elections and the need for People Power

Bill Passes House To Help Track Absentee Ballots

“The bill, passed by voice vote, directs the Election Assistance Commission to reimburse states for costs related to establishing absentee ballot tracking programs for federal elections. It does not require states to set up such systems.”

CTVotersCount is Two Years Old

Thursday marks the 2nd anniversary of CTVotesCount.
Our goals for the blog remain.
As we start our 3rd year, our commitment continues.

Overseas And Military Voting Reform Approved By Senate – With Risky Provision

The Senate approved a amendment to the defiense authorization bill that would speed voting for service members. We have one caution and one concern. We are not alone in our concerns.

Bysewicz Endorses Federal Bill To Improve Military and Overseas Voting

We continue to agree with Secretary Bysiewicz on military and overseas voting. There is room for improvement in ballot access for military and overseas voters. There are several bill in Washington D.C. aimed at improving the situation. This bill provides for sensible actions without moving toward risky internet, fax or email in voting.

A Better Alternative To Election Day Registration?

An alternative is available that would eclipse Election Day Registration (EDR), while fixing our inaccurate voter registration databases and save government expenses.

Update: New York Times Editorial endorses