January 2008

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DemocracyNow! Interviews New York Times Author

<read, listen, view> More scary and devastating than reading the article in the New York Times Magazine. Still does not fully address the similar issues of optical scan which are only solved with sufficient post-election audits. Yes, recounts of the paper from optical scan is vary reassuring, yet recounts are seldom done, even in cases […]

NH Exit Polls Agree With Pre-Election Polls

Chris Mathews confirms that exit polls also had Obama beating Clinton by 8%.  Brad Friedman covers the story: <read> Even the Exit Polls showed that Obama should have won, according to Chris Matthews on Hardball today. It’s the first specific indication that we’ve seen that the raw, unadjusted Exit Poll data, which only corporate mainstream […]

Hacking Our Voting Machines and The Perils Of Outsourcing

Bev Harris has a new video on UTube showing the Hursti Hack in Florida with Ion Sancho and some testimony in New Hampshire by Hari Hursti and John Silvestro. John Silvestro is President of LHS Associates the Diebold distributor in that programs all our elections in Connecticut in secret in Massachusetts. Apparently in New Hampshire […]

Greenwich Complains: Democracy Too Much Work. Too Expensive.

We often hear election officials and politicians lamenting the lack of participation in Democracy, especially in Connecticut. We also hear that our late primary leaves us out of the process of selecting the Presidential candidates. Secretary Bysiewicz, to the appreciation of many, has led the charge to move our primary to February from March. Not […]

New York Times: Can You Count On Voting Machines?

New York Times Magazine article today, Can You Count On Voting Machines? <read> This is a large, significant article primarily focused on touch screen voting machines. Hailed by advocates as significant because the New York Times is recognizing problems with voting machines. Yet, also criticized by advocates for selective quotes and statements that do not […]