EAC spokeswoman answers questions about agency

Interesting interview with an Election Assistance Commission spokesperson. <read> What role does the EAC have in dealing with election systems that are currently being used in the U.S. albeit not certified by the EAC? EAC does not have any regulatory authority over states with respect to the voting systems they use. All of EAC voting […]

Recount Does Not Match – Mystery? Discrepancy? Error?

Update: Middlefield, a sensible recount discrepancy report, a few votes off in the count, some sensible advice to count again, and a reasonable possible explanation <read> Update, Colin McEnron interviews Rep Mike Lawlor <listen> We learn that the counts of votes were higher in several districts, not just one. Lawlor likes a similar explination to […]

TalkNationRadio – Raindrops Keep Falling

This week’s TalkNationRadio by Dori Smith, Raindrops Keep falling on Connecticut’s Diebold Voting Machines: <read and listen> Interviews with Connecticut Registrars, Deputy Secretary of State Lesley Mara, and True Vote Connecticut member George Barnett.  Coverage of the November 6th election and the problems with wet ballots. Former corporate auditor George Barnett: ‘In 2006 twenty eight […]

Take Action – Be A Post-Election Audit Observer

UPDATE: The Secretary of the State has extended the audit period. The audits will be conducted through December 12, 2007. Still time to sign up! Connecticut Citizen Election Audit Coalition Four Groups Organizing Citizens To Observe Post-Election Audits CTVotersCount.org is one of the coalition members and requests that members of our mailing list and readers […]

Fox News iTeam: Cuyahoga County Diebold E-Voting Machines

A six minute report form Cuyahoga Ohio covering Diebold and the California reports. A recommended short introduction to the issues! <UTUBE Video> Its almost as if you give someone your keys and yet they are able to hotwire your car faster than putting the key in the ignition – Candice Hoke

14 Towns Exempt From Post-Election Audits, So Far

Press Release from Secretary of the State, Susan Bysiewicz <read> So far, 14 Connecticut towns have reported races close enough for an automatic manual recount.  That is the good news, unfortunately, due to Public Act 07-194 those towns are also exempt from the random post-election audits.  More to come as results come in and races […]

Bysiewicz Trashes Levers – Minimizes Vulnerabilities

Susan Bysiewicz held a press conference to symbolically trash a lever voting machine and raise voter confidence in the implementation of our new voting machines. We applaud her formal announcement of the testing of memory cards by UConn, however, we beg to disagree with the lack of concern for the programming of the memory cards […]

Talk Radio Investigation Into New Voting Technology Reveals Vulnerabilities

Secretary Bysiewicz is taking steps to improve security and procedures with our voting machines. More seals and testing of spare memory cards for most districts by UConn. Yet, the procedures must be clear to election staff and followed unfailingly — a huge challenge when changing so many locations at once, with 169 municipalities with dedicated […]

Memory Card Failures 1%? 4%? 9%? – Diebold Won’t Disclose Data

Memory cards have been failing in Florida on AccuVote-OS scanners. Diebold won’t release the actual data claiming it is proprietary. Also attempts to blame the customer for the problem. BradBlog has the story. <read> The resulting reports, from 17 of the 27 counties, show two counties with over 9 percent memory card failure rate and […]

Unintended Consequences – Bridgeport Lockup

Update:Â Supreme Court to intervene <read> Bridgeport, Conn., Voting Machines “Held Hostage” Says Secretary of State <read> Judge Blawie has ruled that the primary election results are valid,” said Bysiewicz. “Rep. Caruso is entitled to appeal but he should not hold the city’s voting machines hostage in the process. The actual paper ballots would be […]