Jonathan Harris drops primary bid

“It is critical that civic engagement in our state continues to thrive and that we have a renewed commitment to growing businesses and creating jobs. Democrats are well-positioned to make sure both of these goals are reached, and I look forward to helping the party in any way that I can.”.

Bridgeport Registrars: Dustup, Charges, Investigation

“What started out as an investigation into a missing voter registration card a few months ago ultimately led to the unveiling of 50 voter registration cards stashed away in a desk drawer for years.”

Registrar of Voters Primary, Bristol Connecticut

The Registrar of Voters can make a difference in election integrity, voter access, and candidate service. We wish more were interested in serving and contending.

Candidate Leaves Name On Ballot: Causing Unnecessary Primary Vote

He equated his campaign against McMahon and her millions with the futility of Pickett’s Charge. Staying on the ballot at this point initially seems as futile as Pickett’s Charge. On the other hand if Peter Schiff petitions to get on the ballot, or McMahon falters, it might have some potential to impact the result.

Internet Voting: U.S. Representative Rush Holt responds to the New York Times

“Rather than experimenting with less secure, less auditable methods of voting, I hope that states will use the 2010 election cycle to confirm how much more convenient, accessible and secure the Move Act, which I was otherwise pleased to support, makes military and overseas voting.”

Also, read what are troops are reading in the Stars and Stripes

Candidates Endorsed: Hot Day In August Predicted: Seven Or Eight Statewide Primaries

The Democratic Convention chose Denise Merrill. Jonathan Harris and Gerry Garcia both received over the 15% of votes to qualify for a primary.

The Republican Convention chose Jerry Farrell. Corey Brinson also received over 15%. UPDATE: May 24: Brinson will not primary. And Tim Reynolds drops primary bid for Democratic Controller.

Norwich Registrar Loses Party Endorsement In Close Vote

“Ten-year Democratic Registrar of Voters Nancy DePietro lost the party endorsement Thursday in a close vote at the Democratic Town Committee caucus.”

Revolving door in PA swings toward Internet Voting

Some revolutions are good, some questionable. Pennsylvania’s election revolution resulted in many expensive paperless, unauditable, hackable voting machines – not much different than providing overseas and military voters with expensive, paperless, unauditable, insecure internet voting.

Registrar Nomination: Surprise Change Results In Dustup

“The usually routine nomination of a Republican Registrar of Voters was anything but that tonight at a meeting at Westport Town Hall.”

Absentee/Early Voting Method: Raise Questions and Risks

Another example from Arizona raises questions about the potential risks to integrity inherent in mail-in voting, unlimited absentee voting, and early voting by means similar to absentee voting. This is also similar to the method of election day registration voting proposed in Connecticut this year.