Do Voters Deserve Same Protections As Small Businesses, Schools, and Non-Profits?

The American Bankers Association has issued guidelines that small businesses should use separate computers for banking transactions to avoid viruses that can steal funds.

Rep Caruso: Senate Dems Against Campaign Finance Reform

Caruso maintains those senators opposed to the law labor under the belief they have inherent right to the positions they hold, and have no desire to create a level playing field

CT IRONY #4: Machine Errors Result In Recounting By Machine

What happens when an post-election audit discovers a large discrepancy in a race that could reverse the election result? A recanvass, defined as a modified optical scanner recount. Possibly some machine problems might be mitigated by such a recanvass, yet if there were an error in memory card programming or an error in the software it is quite likely the same discrepancy would be repeated.

President Appoints Cyber Czar

Our concern is with the disconnect that has otherwise intelligent people concerned with cyber security based on strong evidence, coupled with the almost simultaneous support for voting by Internet, email, and fax.

Voters, Voter Action: Win In Pennsylvania Supreme Court

voters have a right under the Pennsylvania Constitution to reliable and secure voting systems and can challenge the use of electronic voting machines “that provide no way for Electors to know whether their votes will be recognized” through voter verification or independent audit.

Next week it will be Seven – Or more?

“Majority Leader Denise Merrill of Mansfield said Friday that she will be officially announcing her candidacy for Secretary of the State next week.”

Update: “Wild West” election year on top of “Wild West” election management?

And now there are six

Another Candidate for Secretary of the State: Sen Jonathan Harris

Miles Rapoport: Demos Leader and former CT Secretary of the State

A longtime friend profiles Miles Rapoport, former Connecticut Secretary of the State, and Demos.

Secretary of the State Candidate Criticizes Exploratory Committees

In our view exploratory committees represent a loophole in the current public financing law. Candidates can collect and spend huge sums in the name of exploring runs for office. On the other hand, unilateral disarmament can be risky.

West Hartford: Mayor Supports Audits – Would Like State To Pay

“The audit is being done for the best of reasons to make sure democracy is being done accurately.”