
Register Citizen: Denise Merrill favors regionalization of some election functions

getting Connecticut’s towns more up to speed with modern technology will be one of her goals. “I will work very hard to enforce a statewide voter registration Web site … I’m looking at regional solutions (for voter registration),” she said. “We just don’t have the money for every town to do what they do,” she added, referring to the traditional voting process that requires staffing, machines and the costs that go with them.

Video: Hartford Courant interviews of the Secretary of the State candidates

We appreciate the Courant and CT-N for making these interviews available to the public, providing an additional unique opportunity for voters to learn about the candidates positions and personalities. However, we note several criticisms of the interviews.

Denise Merrill: 2nd Campaign Commercial

Here is her 2nd commercial <view> Previously, Merrill had been ran the same commercial used before the primary.  And Jerry Farrell has run two since the primary. Update 10/29.2010: Radio ad <listen>

NewCanaan: Patch Voter Guide to Secretary of the State candidates

How would you use technology to increase access to public information and make it easier to vote? Would you implement online voting? Why or why not?

Video: The Real Story: Jerry Farrell, SOTS Candidate

“Two key things the next Secretary must solve”:

  • Voting for the disabled
  • Military Voting – getting the ballot back in time

LWVCT: Voters Guide to Secretary of the State Candidates

Would you support legislation and funding to require post-election audits to be conducted by others than the same local officials who conducted the local election?

Jerry Farrell – “He’s on It” Campaign Commercial

Jerry Farrell Secretary of the State campaign’s 1st commercial

Candidate pledges to “ensure open, fair and secure elections.”

“The Office of Secretary of the State is charged with safeguarding everyone’s right to vote and I will do everything in my power to ensure open, fair and secure elections. Everyone’s vote must count. “

Jerry Farrell signs “Commitment for Connecticut” program (Corrected)

According to Stamford Plus, Secretary of the State Candidate Jerry Farrell has signed the Commitment for Connecticut from Citizens for Change. Checking both the Citizens for Change site and Farrell’s site, we have been unable to locate copies of the completed, signed commitment form.

Podcast: Democratic candidates debate voting on WATR

We were about to write a post about how little voting and voting integrity discussion we have heard in the Secretary of the State campaigns so far. Yet, yesterday there was a joint appearance/debate between the Democratic Primary candidates Gerry Garcia and Denise Merrill which focused manly on voting issues, including voting integrity